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Monday 17 September 2012

Day 1 !

Started early from the hotel. Thank the lord no stags or hens in the hotel last night. Check out the picture below of the sort of place it was. Let's just say it was very very inexpensive ( sorry I meant cheap )

Got the metro to Tynemouth What a beautiful place that is ! like an old fashioned coastal town.

I have to say the people of north east are absolutely brilliant. So friendly.

I decided weeks ago to do water to water so I can say it was a full walk across the UK. My mum was worth a walk to the moon and back so an extra few miles was no problem. But the extra was a bit more than I thought. It was about 7 miles !! Yikes !! So I did not even get to the start of the official wall called Segedunum until about 11:00 am.

Got a bit lost following a Hadrians cycle route sign into the centre so had to walk through a really dodgy area to get back to the trail !

Newcastle is a fantastic city. But I have to say as a walk this was always going to be the tedious city trek and I passed the time counting Starbucks and Greggs ;o)))

The total today was nearly 23 miles. The last 2 was a steep climb up to Heddon On The Wall. Home of the Houghton North Farm run by the best landlady I have ever met. We hit it off straight away and she is hilarious. Picture the Geordie buxom farmers wife with a big smile and matching personality and you got it !!

I am so lucky to be in a room with 2 beds and I have it to myself !! Woohoo. Result. There is a couple from London next door going mad about having to sleep in bunk beds. Should I swap........ Nah !!! ;o)))

As you can tell I am on my own and cannot stop writing stuff whilst in the local having a meal with Paula the landlady. (only joking).

It is now 7:45 and my fish finger butty and chips are half demolished but I am not hungry. I only had the breakfast and a bag of Haribo's all day !! No to drink. Good boy with a pint of black current !!

Check out the picture of the field below. Can you see a face in the cloud looking down.

Thoughts of my mum and my deb Jessie and cal are so in my mind and I reckon this week will either be very sad or very happy.

4 days to go and I will be with them again. I love and miss you so much. And mum words cannot express how I miss you every single minute of every day. Thank god I have my 3. Great timing hun. Deb just texted for a chat.

Oh yeah... Didn't see any wall today. Hope to see it soon !!

I will post some more pictures and a video to this blog when I get home

Finally. Please if you get chance check out the justgiving site and I would like to thank everyone for donating. Times are hard and you still have found the time to give to this very worthwhile cause hope house children's hospices.

Added more pics for everyone,  hope you like them....

mmm..  tempting !!!